Saturday, August 25, 2007

Excellent Rails Applications

Ruby on Rails is not quite ready for the enterprise. What Ruby on Rails lacks is the ability for beginning or average users to modify the system without affecting the underlying applications. In all other enterprise development frameworks there are ways for designers to interact with the environment without knowing anything about the underlying structures. Ruby on Rails needs this approach of development before it can be widely adopted.

Most enterprise web applications contain both static and dynamic content. The static content in a Ruby on Rails application is difficult to maintain separately from the core application. The dynamic portions can be modified in almost any manner. However, when static content changes the core application has to be modified. Ruby on Rails makes extensive use of partials and layouts. Currently there is no standard interface to separate the designer from the developer. There are modified formats to HTML but many great designers do not even know HTML well.

Introducing the Enterprise Rails Design Framework and my series on configuring Rails for the Enterprise. This framework is designed to allow a separation between design and development efforts while providing the first well rounded component design process. This framework introduces a new way of handling custom plug-ins and managing content that drives the static portions of a web site. This application is mandatory to build enterprise web application for Ruby on Rails.

It is commonly accepted that the best design and development are two independent skills. Most designers concentrate on the look and feel while developers work on the architecture. Ruby on Rails will be ready for the enterprise when both of these skills can be used seamlessly. This means that designers must be able to use the components created by the developers in a point and click manner.

In the Enterprise Rails Design Framework we will realize Ruby for the Enterprise.

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