Monday, August 27, 2007

Chaos on Rails

I fear that Rails may succumb to certain pressures that will make bring the framework to mass market very difficult. These are the same pressures that effect PHP, Lisp, and Python. PHP, Lisp and Python are early adopter dreams. The technical intellectuals will say that there are qualities about each of these languages that make them technically superior and they are in some ways. However, techies do not worry about whether their favorite platform will ever bridge the gap between early adopters and mainstream industry. The main focus is simply to make the platform as easy to use for the their own purposes That is why the core of these frameworks, the syntax, simplicity of the difficult tasks are the key to why these systems are used by the truly technical superiority.
However, the technical superiority is not very good at understanding that there are other people in the world who may need to use these systems in the future. Once a system is designed and built it must be then deployed and maintained. Many times the systems that are built that require so much logic and complexity are also very expensive. So why can we not harness the power of these technically superior system and allow the little guy to play nicely too? With a good framework in place that will allow people to harness the power of the framework while allowing everything to be easy to use, we can shape the future of internet design.

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